Oct 17, 2016

Kimberly on being an Advocate

Hey all! 
Who am I? 
My name is Kimberly. I am a WSU alumnus and currently work as a domestic violence advocate at Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse. I have been involved with this amazing organization since March 2015; at first as a volunteer, then as an intern, and since this past April, a staff member. I work in the Pullman office, at our emergency domestic violence shelter, and since not long ago, also at our office at DSHS in Colfax. 

What do I do?
I help take hotline crisis calls, meet with clients in our office, whether it is a planned meeting or a walk-in; I do my share of paperwork, and help our clients that reside at our shelter, amongst other things. 

What do I love about being an advocate?
I have the opportunity to listen to people’s stories, sometimes their deepest secrets. Asking for help is difficult for anyone and everyone, so to me, the people I do get to meet with and work with are brave human beings. I watch their strength shine through with every step and move they make, from making that first call to securing their own housing and finding that independence most have been scared to search for. I get to be a part of their journey of finding themselves, creating a new life for themselves and sometimes for their children as well. Victims and survivors of domestic abuse are some of the most inspirational people I’ve ever met! 

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